Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Art Itch

No, it is not the same as athlete's foot.  It is that sometimes rare, out-of-the-blue, if-I-don't-make-some-art-soon-I'll-die moment that artists ache for.  Because I am swamped doing art, work, busy stuff for other people I don't always have a chance to step back, become motivated, and have the energy to draw.  Lucky me, the art itch has finally struck me, and it couldn't have happened at a better time.  I have 2 1/2 weeks of teaching left and then I'm free for the summer.  I have great plans to complete some show-worthy pieces.  How many I actually finish is another story.  I'm just going to enjoy the process.

I really want to focus on making some pieces that I've never given myself the opportunity to create.  They will be based on my thoughts and reactions to a personal battle with cancer.  After finishing up with a check-up with my Oncologist, I have now made it to the four-year mark of being "cancer free."  They say you're not really out of the woods until the five year mark, so I can't say I've quite made it yet.

I intend to post drawings, diagrams, plans, finished work on this blog as I create it.  In the near future, it may only be a "up-to-date" image, which I think may be interesting to see the development of a piece from start to finish.

So, off to do more sketching...