Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monay's Garden

Most students do a good job in the art room.  Some, not so much.  That's understandable.  Not everyone has a strong interest in the visual arts.  A few, however, are amazing.  I could throw any assignment at them and they would blow me away every time.  Conner is like this.  He remembers the exact firing temperature for the kiln, creates color wheels in his free time, understands the concepts of light and shadow in a drawing, and he's 6 1/2.

This week, my primary students were introduced to Monet.  We looked at his work, talked about his pink house, and watched a video.  After the video, he gave me this drawing:

He has the highway that runs through the middle of the garden, the tunnel to get to the pond, and a few "fun facts."  This wasn't the assignment, it was just some free-draw paper that I gave the class to draw on during the video.

On days that I help a kid blow their nose, wipe paint off their mouth, and call kids down for saying "the 'P' word" (poop), students like Conner give me hope!

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