Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why Life Stinks According to a Nine-Year-Old Girl

I teach over 530 children.  One of my students (age 9) wrote a list of why life stinks.  She didn't show it to anyone, but her mom found it.  Luckily, her mother appreciated her perspective and shared it with me.  I've changed the name to protect the guilty, but the spelling is exactly as she wrote it.  I'm not sure what the x's are for number 12, but it raises even more questions.

Lisa’s Resens Life Stinks
1.    Vegies
2.    School
3.    Annoying siblings
4.    Uncomfortable seats
5.    Math
6.    Robbers
7.    Talking
8.    Brustle sprouts
9.    People being mean
10.  No pool
11.  Not allowed voting for kids
12.  No xxxxxx for president
13.  Mom’s nagging you
14.  Chewed up toys
15.  Being slobbered on
16.  Itchy seat belts
17.  Having to share
18.  No day dreaming in school
19.  Not getting to use imagination
20.  devision
21.  Not being able to drive
22.  Not picking your clothes out
23.  Not picking your nose
24.  Being emberrised
25.  No getting your own money out of your bank account
26.  Do not feed the animals
27.  No free pets
28.  No free food
29.  Having to have an adult with you every second of the day
30.  Not going into store alone
31.  Not allowed to TP someones house
32.  No water ballones
33.  No doing your own hair
34.  Not allowed to be a kid

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