Thursday, January 6, 2011

It is official

This week, my students are coming back from winter break.  My K-1 classes (I teach at a multi-age school) have been busy in art making basic paper sculptures of cardinals.  It is basically some cutting, sliding the wing shape through the slot in the body, and adding tape.  The kids add the "black mask" around the eyes and then make the wings flap by moving the body up and down.

It is a simple project, but remember these are kindergartners and 1st graders.  We talked about migration, which tied into what they've been learning back in their "regular" classroom.

One little boy (who rarely speaks and always looks paralyzed with fear) suddenly lit up when he saw what we were making.  I've never seen him so excited.  When he was finishing up and I was walking around helping with the tape, he looked up and yelled, "Haaaaa!  You're AWESOME!"

So, folks, it is official!

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