Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monay's Garden

Most students do a good job in the art room.  Some, not so much.  That's understandable.  Not everyone has a strong interest in the visual arts.  A few, however, are amazing.  I could throw any assignment at them and they would blow me away every time.  Conner is like this.  He remembers the exact firing temperature for the kiln, creates color wheels in his free time, understands the concepts of light and shadow in a drawing, and he's 6 1/2.

This week, my primary students were introduced to Monet.  We looked at his work, talked about his pink house, and watched a video.  After the video, he gave me this drawing:

He has the highway that runs through the middle of the garden, the tunnel to get to the pond, and a few "fun facts."  This wasn't the assignment, it was just some free-draw paper that I gave the class to draw on during the video.

On days that I help a kid blow their nose, wipe paint off their mouth, and call kids down for saying "the 'P' word" (poop), students like Conner give me hope!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why Life Stinks According to a Nine-Year-Old Girl

I teach over 530 children.  One of my students (age 9) wrote a list of why life stinks.  She didn't show it to anyone, but her mom found it.  Luckily, her mother appreciated her perspective and shared it with me.  I've changed the name to protect the guilty, but the spelling is exactly as she wrote it.  I'm not sure what the x's are for number 12, but it raises even more questions.

Lisa’s Resens Life Stinks
1.    Vegies
2.    School
3.    Annoying siblings
4.    Uncomfortable seats
5.    Math
6.    Robbers
7.    Talking
8.    Brustle sprouts
9.    People being mean
10.  No pool
11.  Not allowed voting for kids
12.  No xxxxxx for president
13.  Mom’s nagging you
14.  Chewed up toys
15.  Being slobbered on
16.  Itchy seat belts
17.  Having to share
18.  No day dreaming in school
19.  Not getting to use imagination
20.  devision
21.  Not being able to drive
22.  Not picking your clothes out
23.  Not picking your nose
24.  Being emberrised
25.  No getting your own money out of your bank account
26.  Do not feed the animals
27.  No free pets
28.  No free food
29.  Having to have an adult with you every second of the day
30.  Not going into store alone
31.  Not allowed to TP someones house
32.  No water ballones
33.  No doing your own hair
34.  Not allowed to be a kid

It is official

This week, my students are coming back from winter break.  My K-1 classes (I teach at a multi-age school) have been busy in art making basic paper sculptures of cardinals.  It is basically some cutting, sliding the wing shape through the slot in the body, and adding tape.  The kids add the "black mask" around the eyes and then make the wings flap by moving the body up and down.

It is a simple project, but remember these are kindergartners and 1st graders.  We talked about migration, which tied into what they've been learning back in their "regular" classroom.

One little boy (who rarely speaks and always looks paralyzed with fear) suddenly lit up when he saw what we were making.  I've never seen him so excited.  When he was finishing up and I was walking around helping with the tape, he looked up and yelled, "Haaaaa!  You're AWESOME!"

So, folks, it is official!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hickie of the Damned

As I was walking down the hallway today, I overheard a portion of a conversation between two 1st graders.  This is what I heard:

"My dad says there's no such thing as vampires."
"Uh huh, there is too such thing as vampires.  My mamma said one bit her neck in college."

Toby "Azrael" Reynolds
Voted Most Likely to Become
Your Child's Orthodontist
I just kept walking, because sometimes it's just best not to know some things.  Of course, I was thinking about it for the rest of the afternoon.  Was his mom a goth kid?  When did she hang up the black and white striped socks, the nose ring, and the white face paint for mom jeans, pastel polo shirts, and a minivan?  Was  this bite really a hickie from some gross guy in a bar wearing a Concrete Blonde t-shirt, a pewter pentagram necklace, and long greasy hair?  Alas, the world may never know.

I had a friend in college who dated a closeted, vintage clothing aficionado, "Wiccan priest."  I put the priest part in parenthesis, because he told a story of making a "safe journey" potion for a friend.  One of the ingredients was the blood of his friend's spirit animal.  When discovering that said spirit animal was in fact a bald eagle, and that obtaining it's blood would be nearly impossible and highly illegal, he substituted it for the next closest thing: cherry Kool-Aid.  Yeah, hope that turned out well for ya.  I'm sure the great Wiccan god of travel accepted it and all went well.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

R.I.P. Good Design

We went to put flowers on Faye's grave for Mother's Day yesterday, and while I was there I saw two of the worst tombstones I have ever seen.  It is apparent that, for some, death is a free pass to get as tacky as you want with the one you love.  I have blurred out the names to protect the innocent (the innocent being the one who is dead and probably had nothing to do with this fiasco).

Grave #1:  "Until We Meet Again" or "Hope You Like Christmas for Eternity"  How ironic that the person who designed and planned this poor woman's grave had this inscription placed on it but hasn't been back since Christmas of 1998?  If you look closely, you'll see that the Christmas tree has lights that were once powered by a battery pack.  The casual, yet dramatic draping of the plastic beads suggest that the designers had once seen an episode on HGTV and attempted to "jazz up" Mama's grave.

Grave #2:  "Love Remains, but Design is Dead" or "Mickey and the Grave"  Yes, folks, that is a University of Tennessee "T" on one side and a Mickey Mouse silhouette on the other.  Since the woman who wants to take Mickey to her resting place is obviously not there yet, one can assume that she is also the one who picked out the Tennessee Vols logo for her hubby.  How much do these tombstones cost?  They aren't cheap.  Between the wedding bands interlocking, the T, the Mickey, the flowers, the crosses, the heart... it looks like someone went crazy with clipart on a homemade card in Publisher.  I will haunt anyone, ANYONE, who does this to me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Art Itch

No, it is not the same as athlete's foot.  It is that sometimes rare, out-of-the-blue, if-I-don't-make-some-art-soon-I'll-die moment that artists ache for.  Because I am swamped doing art, work, busy stuff for other people I don't always have a chance to step back, become motivated, and have the energy to draw.  Lucky me, the art itch has finally struck me, and it couldn't have happened at a better time.  I have 2 1/2 weeks of teaching left and then I'm free for the summer.  I have great plans to complete some show-worthy pieces.  How many I actually finish is another story.  I'm just going to enjoy the process.

I really want to focus on making some pieces that I've never given myself the opportunity to create.  They will be based on my thoughts and reactions to a personal battle with cancer.  After finishing up with a check-up with my Oncologist, I have now made it to the four-year mark of being "cancer free."  They say you're not really out of the woods until the five year mark, so I can't say I've quite made it yet.

I intend to post drawings, diagrams, plans, finished work on this blog as I create it.  In the near future, it may only be a "up-to-date" image, which I think may be interesting to see the development of a piece from start to finish.

So, off to do more sketching...

Friday, April 16, 2010

It smells like...

Yesterday, I had a group of students come into my classroom straight from the playground.  I about died, because there is nothing worse than smelling twenty sweaty children all sitting together.  I took them outside for art class, but afterwards my classroom still smelled like stinky children.

After they left, I sprayed the room with Fabreeze air freshener to kill the stink.  About five minutes later, the next group of students came in.  Of course, they all noticed that the room smelled like the air freshener and wanted to know what it was.  I heard comments like, "Mmmm that smells good!," "Did you clean in here?," and "What is that?"

The best comment of all came from a kindergartner who said, "It smells like when Dad poops and sprays that stuff to cover it up."  Too much information, my friend.  Too much information.